Saturday 28 May 2016

Wadi Rum, the most beautiful desert in the world

Wadi Rum is a valley lying among the granite and sandstone rocks. It is the largest desert valley in Jordan. These forms of valley occurring in desert areas. During the rainy season filled with water, creating a sometimes swift, wide, long and winding river.

Wadi Rum is one of the biggest Jordanian attractions. It is one of the most beautiful deserts in the world. In the spring, you'll find more than 2,000 species of flowers and 110 species of birds.

Wadi Rum was inhabited in the prehistoric period by many different cultures, including the Nabateans, they left behind cave drawings, petroglyphs and temples. Currently they live in Wadi Rum Bedouin group.

Region Wadi Rum is one of the most popular tourist regions in Jordan. Popular forms of recreation are seeing the desert surroundings, camping, horseback riding or jeep and rock climbing.

Sandy area, which grow out of pink sandstone cliffs of unusual shapes, painted in colors depending on the time of day. Take a trip off-road vehicle of majestic rocks and dunes, as well as to spend the night under a starry sky in a Bedouin tent.

Wadi Rum became famous in the world by British officer, Thomas Edward Lawrence, who worked in the area during the anti-Turkish Arab uprising in the years 1917-1918.

In 2011, the protected area of Wadi Rum has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Photo by Mag Jack

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Jordan, plan of journey

After a stay in Egypt time to journey to Jordan. Long holiday by the sea made the more I want to desert climates of Jordan. Jordan has limited access to the sea. In this small space adjoined to the Red Sea is located Aqaba, a beautiful seaside resort, where I plan stop for a moment before I move through the desert up to the Amman.

Jordan is one of the most tourist-friendly countries in the Middle East. Jordanians with great pleasure be our guides and share traditions and history of their country. Jordanians are very open, willing to talk with tourists, you can also count on a Jordanian coffee.

This place is so ancient and contemporary. On the way to the modern and bustling Amman, I plan to visit Petra, the ancient settlement and Bedouin in the desert of Wadi Rum. Jordan can be proud of its cultural diversity.

Jordan as a country created as a result the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. In the first phase, the British formed east of the Jordan Emirate of Transjordan. After the Second World War, Transjordan from the West Bank created the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Everything changed after the war in 1967, when Jordan lost the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

It should be remembered that 80% of the country is desert stretches up to Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Desert landscapes dominate and give character to this country. Access to the sea provides only port in Aqaba, which dates back to X in. BC In Roman times ran here important route from Damascus to Egypt and Palestine. The Crusaders fortified away 7 km from the Ile de Graye-island called in Arabic Pharaoh's Island. On the other side of the bay you can see the Israeli resort Eljat.

Journey plan:

Day 1-2

Aqaba. It is the only seaside town of Jordan. Before continuing my journey once again dive into admiring the coral reefs of the Red Sea. The beaches of Aqaba is divided into three parts: the north - North Beach, where are most of the hotels, including the most luxurious, middle - Middle Beach - the public beach Al-Hafayer and South - South Beach - the main public beach in the water park Aqaba Marina Park and an exclusive beach in Tala Bay resort.

Day 2-3

Wadi Rum. Pink desert. One of the most beautiful places in the Middle East, unusual valley lying among the rocks, inhabited by the hospitable Bedouins. Wadi Rum was inhabited in the prehistoric period by many different cultures, they have left a mark in the form of cave paintings, petroglyphs and temples.
In 2011, the protected area of Wadi Rum has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 4-6

Petra. This obligatory punk while exploring the Jordani and one of the most unique places in the world. It is the most valuable architectural monuments of the Kingdom of Haszimit (monument inscribed on the UNESCO list), located in inaccessible mountain valley. The entire city is carved into the rock. There are an incredible, huge temples, palaces, tombs and vaults. The site was probably abandoned in the sixth. A.D. because of numerous strong earthquakes. Re-discovered them in 1812. In 1958. Petra opened for tourists. Some of the buildings are located on the nearby summit.

Day 7-8

Madaba. During my stay I visit Mount Nebo, where is a splendid panorama of the valley of the river Jordan and the Holy Land, as it saw Moses. According to tradition, Mount Nebo, the place where Moses first and last saw the Promised Land.

In Madaba I visit the Orthodox Basilica of Saint George, where the floor is a mosaic map of Palestine and Lower Egypt from the sixth century. Inside the church there is also an icon representing St. George killing the dragon.
In addition, I visit the Church of the Holy Apostles, where in 1902 also discovered a number of mosaics, exposed in a specially built hall at the church
In the city there are the ruins of Roman and Byzantine  buildings.

Day 9-11 

Amman is the capital of the Jordani. In Amman, I plan to visit the citadel of the VIII century, built under the rule of the Arab, the Ethnographic Museum and the Museum of Folk Tradition. Additionally, in the city there are monuments from the Roman forum built in 190 years, and surrounded on three sides by columns, the Odeon amphitheater audience and archways built in the second century.

Worth seeing the Temple of Hercules, built during the reign of Marcus Aurelius and the Ruins of the Umayyad palace of the seventh or eighth century, destroyed by an earthquake in 749 years.

In Amman, there are also beautiful mosques: the mosque of King Hussein in 1924, the mosque of Abu Darwish of black and white facade and the mosque of King Abdullah covered with distinctive blue dome.

Day 12-13

Jarash. The ancient city probably founded in the fourth century BC by Alexander the Great or his general Perdiccas. At the end of the second century BC incorporated by the Maccabees Judah, in 63 BC It was occupied by the Roman army. The development of the town occurred in the reign of Emperor Trajan. In VI. During the reign of the Byzantine Justinian built in at least 7 churches. In 614 Geraz won the Sassanids, and in 636 the Arabs. In the city there are ancient temples of Zeus and Artemidt, theaters, hippodrome and bath complex.

Day 14 
Jericho. Transfer to Israel

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Egyptian tips

Egypt is famous for its diversity. Everyone will find something for themselves. It is a country for sun  and heat lovers (temperature throughout the year does not fall below 20 degrees.) but also for lovers of water sports, photographers and explorers of history and culture. Egypt is a combination of beautiful nature with amazing ancient monuments. Sahara, raw and majestic mountains of Sinai and the shimmering colors of the coral reefs of the Red Sea. Ancient monuments located along the Nile from Alexandria to Aswan tempt explorers and lovers of history and ancient culture.


For every Egyptian service will consist of a tip - the so-called. baksheesh. It is highly inappropriate not to leave even a dollar - both the waiter and someone who will show us the way.

There are a etiquette associated with clothes. In places other than the beach is not suitable swimsuit. In the holy places in general should not wear shorts, women should also have covered shoulders and neck. Entering the mosque should take off your shoes. All this is to respect local customs and not be exposed to unpleasant teasing. If you travel deep into Egypt, then you better take seriously the recommendations.

It is worth remembering also of Ramadan - at the time the Egyptians do not eat from sunrise to sunset, so it is not advisable to eat a meal on the street.

Men and women do not kiss on the street and do not show each other their feelings otherwise than by holding hands. It is a matter of culture and religion, but not allowed to do this also because of the law.

Egypt is a Muslim country, eg. In Sinai may shock the absence of women. All work performing men often coming from all over Egypt, arrive at Sinai only for profit for a few months a year.

While the Arabs have to haggle for everything and every step, it Nubians not worth it, because they offer from the beginning of the prices very favorable. Nubians can meet mainly during a cruise on the Nile and in Aswan.

I encourage you to allow the Egyptian traders to present their goods. They are used, the customer can not buy anything, and the seller will not be offended. If you are already a dialogue with them, sometimes they invited for tea, or regale local food. The call on the street, to encourage the buying and haggling is part of their culture. They are open and friendly.


By far the most common dish in all of Egypt is Kosheri. It is a meatless dish based on pasta, rice, chickpeas and lentils, topped with warm tomato sauce. For this dish waiters serve a jug of water. Average portion, which may be sufficient for the lunch costs about 4-7 LE, depending on bar.

Popular are the sandwich bars, where for the LE 0.5-2 you can order a sandwich with any exposed on the counter contribution (meat, cooked and raw vegetables, chips, freshly roasted chips and shrimp).

Common are bars where juices are made from fresh fruit. Can usually be identified by hanging above the entrance meshes with oranges. Juices are made from oranges, strawberries, sugar cane, gauawy, banana, melon. Pint 0.5l costs 2 LE.

Eat at local fast food can be even 2 pounds and eat well - you order the foul and falafel. You can order breads as sandwiches or pack a takeaway pouches. Very tasty and very cheap, available on every corner.


Accommodation in Egypt are very cheap, from 3-10 USD. At this price, you can find a nice hotel with a swimming pool and meals. In many shops, there are no listed prices. The prices should ask seller, especially for foreign tourists, they often overstate and you have to haggle.

In the tourist destinations room rates and meal are naturally higher than in Cairo. Rich dinner in a good restaurant - UDS 5-7. Lunch at McDonald's, the cost of approx. 2-3 UDS. The most expensive are the sweets and chocolate.
The average budget for one day, without saving it 10-15 USD. It is worth mentioning that Egypt was one of the cheapest places in the world for tourists.
The most cost tourist attractions, for example. Entrance fee to the museum in Cairo is $ 20 (this is the price for foreign tourists, Egyptians pay cheaper)


The currency in Egypt is the Egyptian pound. 1 pound is about $ 0.11, and 0.1 Euro.
It is not worth exchange all cash to Egyptian currency, because it is difficult to replace it outside the country. 

Cash Machines and banks are on everywhere, so there are no problems with the exchange of money. However, the commission withdrawals from cash machines is quite high, so you better get together the cash, preferably US dollars or euros, and exchange to as necessary on the spot. Courses in different exchange offices vary slightly, so not worth it to look better.

In the Sharm and Hurghada can be a problem with the exchange Egyptian pounds back into dollars, so it is better exchange to a little bit. In the tourist resorts you can also easily pay with dollars, British pounds and euros, although you can overpay on the course.


Egyptian climate is tropical climate, extremely dry, and on the coast of the Mediterranean, subtropical. Summers are very hot, the winters are cooler, especially in the desert. Actually, it never rains. All year round there are more than 20 deg., In the summer above 35.

To explore the best time is winter. The temperature of the day is 25 degrees at night is chilly, especially in the desert. It should then take a warm sweater. It should also be noted that many tour buses are not equipped with heating. In the summer sometimes the air conditioning in coaches is so untwisted that it also should have something warm at hand.

To avoid the crowds and the heat, it's best to come between the end of February and May and from September to November.


Between the cities most convenient way to move public buses (ticket to be bought from the driver, the stop is just a larger group waiting).
Navigating the Cairo bus is a challenge, ride without timetables, stops are contractual, buses are often crowded, it's easy to get lost.
Bus route Hurghada-Cairo in the best class (First Class) will cost approx. 80 le and approx. 5 hours drive.

When in Luxor, you can buy a ticket for a bus to Dahab (route through Qenę, Hurghada, Suez, Sharm el-Sheikh). The ticket costs 130 LE, driving time 20-22h. Air-conditioned buses.

Tourists are allowed on cars only in the cities. Egyptians do not have to accept an international driving license. If anyone has one plank visa can apply for a local driving license. Hiring a car is of course possible, but definitely not recommend. Traffic in Egypt is definitely incomprehensible to Europeans, especially driving without lights at night. The advantage can be a good road condition.

Travel by ferry from Hurghada to Sharm El Sheikh takes approx. 2 hours. For Duby (Saudi Arabia) - 180 min.

The main line traction is a Cairo-Aswan.

In the cities you can ride ordinary taxi. The prices are very low. Best price determined before the start of the course or ensure that taxi driver turned on the taximeter.

What is importante

Matchstick Men. You can overpay for everything and a lot of money. Be sure to bargain, and the starting price given the very low, often 4 or 5 times lower than suggested by the vendor.

The danger is to drink tap water, which may cause diarrhea. Always boil water, and the best drink only bottled. Note on the ice in the drinks! Teeth also better to wash with water from a bottle.

In Cairo rather avoid side streets. In the places of recreation rather you are safe. A large number of armed police. After sunset, outside the tourist resorts, ladies should not move without the company of a man.

In the subtropical countries such as Egypt is different bacterial flora. We must therefore be careful what one eats, and especially - where. I would avoid fast food bars, and more to minimize raw vegetables and fruits. Enjoy a variety of preventive obtain a drug called Antinal.


There are two types of visas:
FREE so. "Sinai only" - for those who are only in the Sinai. The visa is issued on arrival. Useful for sunbathers and diving and water sports lovers.
PAID ($ 15) - after purchase, you can move around the country.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt

Cleopatra was the daughter of Ptolemy XII and mother of unknown name, probably coming from the lineage of the priests of Ptah of Memphis and being the royal wife of a lower rank. Ptolemy XII died in 51 B.C. Seventeen Cleopatra and her ten year old brother Ptolemy XIII came to power and in accordance with the tradition of the Egyptian entered into marriage.

Young Ptolemy XIII had fallen into political dependence on their own court dignitaries, Pothejnosa, royal teacher Theodetesa of Chios and the army commander Achillas, who sought to offset the power of the queen. Cleopatra in 49 B.C. had to leave the country and go to Palestine, where his own funds proceeded to organize the army. Faction of the king began preparing to repel a potential invasion, gathering strength in the port city of Pelusium.

Caesar in the conflict between the royal couple supported Cleopatra, who already during her stay in Alexandria was his mistress. He demanded that Ptolemy XIII dissolved the army and made peace with his wife-sister. Caesar interference caused discontent of Egyptian society. Against him, and the queen rebellion broke out, which was accepted by Ptolemy XIII and Arsinoe IV, a younger sister of the royal couple. To subvert uprising was brought Roman armies of Syria and Palestine. Ptolemy was killed as a result of the fighting in 47 years BC, and Cleopatra married her half-brother Ptolemy XIV.

At the end of April 47 B.C. Caesar left Egypt, leaving three legions in Alexandria. A few weeks after the departure of Caesar's queen gave birth to a son, and gave the names of Ptolemy Caesar, but it was called Caesarion, ie. Little Caesar. In the middle of 46 years BC Cleopatra with her husband went to Italy to renew an alliance with Rome. After the death of Caesar was forced to leave the capital of the empire.

After returning to Egypt, Ptolemy XIV in 44 B.C. was murdered on the orders of the wife. Cleopatra took governments on behalf of his son Caesarion, who ascended the throne as Ptolemy XV. After the death of Caesar in Rome was a civil war, which determined the future fate of the empire, Cleopatra supported cesarians on the East. At the Battle of Philippi in 42 BC won by supporters of the empire under the leadership of Mark Antony and Octavian Augustus. Cleopatra could expect that the winners will support the position of her son in Egypt. Antony called her to Tarsus, where the conversations on the organization of a new order in the East. During these meetings between the leader of the Roman and Egyptian queen began an affair.

In the winter of 41-40 B.C. Antony stayed with Cleopatra in Alexandria. But he had to leave the queen for several reasons. First, he organized an expedition against the Parthians, secondly, he was going to execute a plan to marry Octavia, sister of Octavian Augustus, for political reasons. Cleopatra, who remained in Egypt, gave birth twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene.

The alliance between resident in Antioch Antony and Octavian residing in Rome did not last long. 37 B.C. Antony sent his wife to Rome. To Antioch called Cleopatra. On the one hand, this decision affect his feelings for the Queen, on the other hand need the support of Egypt in the war with Rome. Cleopatra loved Antony. She was in the conflict Antony and Octavian political goal. She came to Antioch with children Antony.

On September 31 B.C. there was a battle of Actium between the forces of Octavian and Antony, supported by Cleopatra. Antony was defeated. Ten months later, Octavian marched to Egypt. Mark Antony committed suicide. Cleopatra acted to preserve the independence of the kingdom and the power to provide for their children. Negotiations with Octavian, however, did not produce successful results. He feared the political strengthening of Caesarion and focus around the opponents of Roman rule in Egypt. Dated August 12, 30 B.C. Cleopatra committed suicide when it turned out that none of her attempts did not bring the expected results.

source: Wikipedia

Saturday 21 May 2016

Egyptian mythology

Initially, it was believed in many gods of Egypt. Beliefs changed depending on the political situation in Egypt and its leaders, the gods were combined and changed.
In the final stage of the Egyptian religion was founded triad of deities: Osiris, Isis and Horus and Set their enemy. Each deity had its own worship center. Sometimes a combined figure of Osiris and Horus, seeking to introduce monotheism. Earlier attempts to introduce monotheism by some pharaohs, by selecting one of the gods and the rejection of others have failed.

In the beliefs of Egyptian human soul exists even after the death of the body. In order to preserve the identity of existence after death, the body was embalmed and mummified. The bodies were temporarily placed in a reed coffins in a very hot sand, which quickly drying out delay and prevented decomposition. Then followed the funeral. Embalming was invented during the Fourth Dynasty. All soft tissues are removed and the empty space filled with natron.

An important role was played by the Book of the Dead - a collection of nearly two hundred magical texts, drawings and songs, each matched to a person deceased, to facilitate his transition to the world of the post-mortem. In some graves Book of the Dead is also painted on the walls.

According to later belief, the soul of the deceased will be brought before Anubis, and the weight of his heart - the recording of morality - is compared with the weight of a pen Maat - goddess of truth, justice and order. If the result is favorable deceased, the deceased is led by Horus to Osiris, otherwise it is devoured by the devourer of sinners with the head of a crocodile, the body cheetah and hindquarters of a hippopotamus.

The gods of ancient Egyptian civilization came from the prehistoric animistic cults and were part of a very rich mythology. One of the most important gods was usually the Pharaoh. The most famous was the Egyptian god of the sun god Ra (Re) and Osiris, the god of death and reborn life.

Ra (Re) was the sun god, the creator of the world and the Lord of order in the universe. Was presented with the solar disk and the head of a falcon. He was regarded by the Egyptians as the most important of the gods and ruler of the people. The ancient Egyptians believed that the self-created from Praoceanu Nun. His children were Horus, Anubis, Maat, Bastet, Hathor, Sekhmet, Thoth, Shu, Tefnut.

The ancient Egyptians believed that formerly Re reign on earth as Pharaoh, and every day he left his temple in Heliopolis and walked through the 12 provinces of the earth for 12 hours of the day. However, when approaching the people, then they burn them so Re leave the earth and wandering in the day of the sky. Specially composed for the royal anthem to use Re, called. Litany Solar, inscribed in the corridors of input royal tombs of dynasties XIX and XX in the Valley of the Kings.

Osiris was the god of death and reborn life, the Great Judge of the dead. He married Isis and was the ruler of the earth, and the underworld land of the dead. He had two sons, Anubis and Horus. Ages ago Osiris taught people farming. He was killed by his brother Seth. His wife Isis found his dismembered body and with Nephthys restored her husband to life. Osiris could not live on earth, but lived in the afterlife. He was killed and then resurrected by the gods, became the ruler of the underworld and judge of the dead. Isis was the goddess of fertility, family protectress. It is presented as the best mother, the incarnation of goodness.

Set was the god of storms, deserts, darkness and chaos. It was a deity of a demon. He was portrayed as a man with the head of the animal unknown to this day. It includes features the head of a jackal, antelope and okapi. Previously he appeared perhaps as a god of war, and could be a deity older than the Egyptian religion. In the Egyptian religion was one of the main gods. His attribute was the antelope with the head of a jackal. Set was the enemy of Horus and the killer of his own brother, Osiris. Starting from the XXII dynasty, it becomes the incarnation of evil. During the New Kingdom his cult was forbidden.

From the beliefs of ancient Egypt comes the phoenix, the mythical bird, considered a symbol of the sun and the eternal rebirth of life. Phoenix flew from Arabi to Egypt once every 500 years. On the altar of the sun at Heliopolis, in the month of Adar, the priests were preparing a special stack, where the bird burned and was resurrected after 3 days to go on a return journey.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Sharm el-Sheikh, trips&tips

Sharm el-Sheikh is known for over 500 resorts. Hotels are mostly two-storey buildings blended into green areas. Today, almost the entire coastline is already built. Sharm el-Sheikh is the richest part of the Sinai. Residing it sheikhs who put on the development and popularization of the region, hence the excellent infrastructure and tourist service on the highest level. Here his residences has also former President Hosni Mubarak, many Arab politicians and businessmen. Every year, tourists come from all over the world to enjoy the wonderful weather and soak up the sun.

There is a 255 different coral reefs and more than 1,000 species. In Sharm el-Sheikh are located 140 schools and bases diving. Until the mid 80's to the city came almost exclusively amateur diving. Today, they constitute only 20-30% of the total number of tourists. The city has to offer more than 30 dive sites are available both from the shore and from boats, which are marked by buoys.

Almost the entire shore in Sharm el-Sheikh are the underwater coral gardens. In the area the city you can admire the mangroves, can be found here approx. 50% of the total number of trees across the northern hemisphere. In the immediate vicinity of the city is Ras Mohammed National Park covering a vast area of desert and captivating coral reefs and Shark Observatory.

The city is also the starting point to other tourist attractions of the region, among others, Mount Sinai, Monastery of St. Catherine, Coloured Canyon, Blue Hole, Serabit el-Khadim, Hammam Faraun, as well as Israel, the island of Tiran, Cairo, Luxor, Abu Simbel and the surrounding area of Hurghada and Petra in Jordan. Sharm el-Sheikh is often a transit city round trips Israel and Jordan.

In Sharm el-Sheikh airport is located. It is the largest international airport in the Sinai peninsula, serving traffic Intrastate and the European and Middle East. The city is also a seaport serving regular lines to Hurghada (approx. 2 hrs.), As well as routes and tourist cruise organized, usually by large travel agencies. Bus station Delta Sharm offers bus connections to Cairo, Suez, Ismailia, Luxor, Alexandria and more important towns of the Sinai.

The temperature in the winter day is from 15 to 35 degrees Celsius in summer 20 to 45 degrees Celsius. Red Sea water temperature varies from 21 (winter season) to 30 degrees Celsius in the summer. Low air humidity (approx. 4%) allows removal of these high temperatures. Rainfall here belong to the extraordinary rarity.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Red Sea, resorts and coral reefs

Red Sea Riviera is a very popular tourist destination. Along the coast, on the western shore of the Gulf of Aqaba and the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez in the Sinai peninsula and along the eastern continental coast of Egypt are located numerous tourist centers, towns and villages visited by thousands of tourists every year.

In the coldest month of February day air temperature is approx. 25 degrees C and the water in sea approx. 22 deg. C, in the warmest August temperature is from 25 to 30 degrees C, and water approx. 35 degrees Celsius. Moisture the air is very low. Rainfall is very rare, dry and warm air is in all seasons. Sea water is extremely clean and transparent. Visibility in the sea reaches 20 m, which makes the diving conditions are ideal.

With the Red Sea Riviera is more than 90 shipwrecks that are available for divers. Egyptian Riviera is known for its coral reefs, open to both beginners and experienced divers, as well as for practicing snorkeling. These reefs with beautiful flora and fauna, are available both from the shore and from boats. Gulf of Suez is, however, relatively shallow (10 m), but also full of coral reefs that extend close to the coast, to the border with Sudan.

Red Sea easiest way to get is a plane. Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada have direct charter flights from Europe and the Middle East, and tickets are relatively cheap. The seaside resorts of the Riviera have a connection between them and the air and sea bus. In the cities there are also taxis, which reach almost all of the selected tourist destinations in the country.

All arriving tourists are required to purchase a monthly tourist visa. They can do this directly at the airport. Tourists arriving directly from abroad to Sharm el-Sheikh (or to the town of Taba, Dahab and Nuweiba) and wishing to remain only in the city or in the villages, or visit the Mount Sinai does not require a visa, enough is a free stamp in your passport Only Sinai.

The safety of tourists supervised by specially appointed for this purpose tourist police, whose officers speak English and are trained to provide help. Organized trips to some of the sites are compulsorily escorted by them, or at least accompanied by the coaches. Around all the tourist attractions, as well as railway stations and checkpoints are guarded by armed security forces.

The most popular destinations within Red Sea include:

1. Taba - a small Bedouin village, approx. 8 km from the Israeli Eilat and 15 km from the Jordanian Aqaba, south of the village is the resort of Taba Heights marina sea, and Pharaoh's Island. North of Taba is located the airport.

2. Dahab - the local coral reefs stretching the entire length of the coast. The most popular among divers is the Blue Hole, located a few meters from the coast, wide, approximately 50 m hollow reaching a depth of 100 m. The village operates several resorts. In the area Dahab is a reserve of Ras Abu Dżallum and reserve Dahab.

3. Sharm el-Sheikh - the famous resort called. Golden Bay Red Sea Riviera, consisting of many smaller bays, just 80 kilometers south of Mount Sinai. One of the largest in Egypt tourist centers of international importance. Situated between nature reserves and national park Ras Muhammad Observatory sharks, often called the jewel in the crown of the Red Sea. The expansive resort of Sharm el-Sheikh is known for more than 500 resorts and more than 30 dive sites are available both from the shore and from a boat, there are over 250 different coral reefs and 1000 species of fish in the warm waters of the sea. In Naama Bay there are numerous dining and entertainment options. In the bay there are numerous shipwrecks, which are an attraction for divers.

4.  Ras Sudr - known resorts and sports, due to favorable winds allow windsurfing and kite surfing.

5. Hammam Musa - Moses baths consist of five natural sulfur springs at a temperature of 37 degrees C. According to legend, on the way to the Promised Land of Israel rested here under the leadership of Moses.

6. Hurghada - one of the largest in Egypt tourist centers of international importance. In the area of Hurghada is available approx. 45 coral reefs. The city has an airport.

7. Barnis - historical resort at Cape Ras Banas, located here one of the biggest rock needles northern Africa and the Middle East and Mukawwa Island.

8. Safaga - hotel resort and a small port. Around there are lots of diving on the reef and wreck. The largest islands in the area include Safaga and Tobia Island. In the area is a reserve Coral Sharm el-Naga in which the corals are already at a depth of 1.5 m.

9. At-Tur - resort, where windsurfing and kitesurfing. The neighborhood is Airport At-Tur. There is also an archaeological site and Castle At-Tur built in 1520.

10. Asl - a small town on its outskirts have located the small resorts, located near hot springs Hammam Faraun, ancient countries turquoise Serabit el-Khadim and Mafkat and a large oasis of Wadi Fajran.

Monday 16 May 2016

Hurghada, trips&tips

Hurghada was founded on the Gulf of Suez with the British settlement of searchers oil approx. 1913. Initially it was a fishing village. In 1930 settlement was established housing employees of the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Since the 80s in. began to develop as a major international tourist resort thanks to Arab and foreign investors.

Its name is derived from the red berries of a bush Nitraria from which the Bedouins make a refreshing drink.

Hurghada is located approx. 500 km southeast of Cairo and extends a narrow strip along the desert coast of the Red Sea over a length of about 40 km. The city has approx. 160 thousand. residents, including several thousand. foreigners. Near the resort there are coral reefs.
In Hurghada, there are over 200 hotels and still are being built new. In its surroundings are some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world.

The town consists of several districts:

-   Dahar (Ad-Dahar) - the oldest part of Hurghada, where is the biggest bazaar of Hurghada, as well as a post office and bus station. Dahar is famous for its bazaar, where you can buy Egyptian souvenirs, gold and silver and spices. Most of the streets in Hurghada is full of shops with Egyptian gadgets, but the bazaar worth a trip, because although the typical Egyptian character.
-   Sakkala considered the center of the city, in the southern part of the district of hotels.
-  Village Road - the latest, the southern part; there arise the newest hotels, shops and restaurants. Rapidly expanding, it creates a second center of Hurghada. This section is commonly called Mamsha
-  Marina - the newest part of Hurghada, was founded in 2007. Within the Marina are clubs, restaurants, a disco and a marina.

El Gouna is a private tourist village, located 20 km north of Hurghada. El Gouna is significantly different from other places in Egypt. Interesting architecture, organization, aesthetics, high-class bars and restaurants, narrow streets and quiet. Artificially made lagoon caused the town is called "Egyptian Venice". Prices of houses and apartments here are very high. Most of the apartments was bought by the rich who come here for several days in a year, to spend a holiday. It's all here: the hospital, port, airport, hotels, beaches, beautiful lagoons, markets, restaurants, horseback riding lessons, golf course. A taxi from Hurghada to El Gouna will cost approx. 50 LE.

Go on vacation to Hurghada worth considering choosing a hotel that we like peace and quiet or better the hotel in the bustling city center. If you like peace, beautiful, vast beaches will be the perfect El Gouna and Makadi Bay. But for those looking for excitement and who enjoy night entertainment will be the best Sakalla, but also Dahar, Village Road.

Feel free to use taxis. They drive around the clock. Well check whether the driver switched on the taximeter. 3LE cost plus 0.5 LE per kilometer. They drive a white-blue large buses, bus stops on request, 5 LE payable on the bus. Run: Dahar - market Metro - Sakalla - Calypso - Village Road (Hotel Sultan Beach) - Egypt Air - Mubarak II - Sakalla - Dahar. Small buses run from near McDonald's in Sakalli run to the hotel part (to Oberoi), do not stop on the way to the hotel Magawish - 1.5 LE.

In most stores the price you have to ask. Seller valued customer and gives the price of the goods. Most often they give three times the value of the goods. You need to bargain, but it brings good results.

In Hurghada beaches are private. You have a narrow beach available to the hotel. Thanks to beaches are cared  clean, equipped with sun loungers and parasols. You can safely enjoy a drink from the bar and enjoy the sunshine. If you want to go to the beach, wich belong to other hotels you have to pay a fee 40LE.

In Hurghadabeaches are private. You have a narrow beach available to the hotel. Thanks to cared beaches are clean, equipped with sun loungers and parasols. You can safely enjoy a drink from the bar and enjoy the sunshine. From the beaches belonging to other hotels, you can use a fee, it costs 40 LE.

Hurghada has a dry tropical climate. All year round the sun is shining, the coldest month of February air temperature during the day is 23 ° C to +25 ° C and more, in the warmest month - August - the air temperature is above 35 ° C (temp. Water above +28 ° C ). In winter, from the sea blows a strong cold winds causing large amplitude of daily temperature.

In Hurghada develops mainly tourism, trade, construction and other services. International Airport, serving approx. 6 million passengers per year.


Thursday 12 May 2016

The curse of Tutankhamen

Tutankhamun's tomb, located in the Valley of the Kings was not discovered for almost 32 centuries. They reached him, nor thieves, nor the scientists studying the surrounding burial places of Egyptian kings. Only in 1926, archaeologist Howard Carter, from Great Britain, and the founder of the whole project, Lord Carnavon reached the lost tomb.

Tutankhamen was born in Akhetaten. His father was a pharaoh named Akhenaten, his mother was sister Pharaoh. Tutankhamen was the result of incest. At that time it was common practice by the pharaohs. Close kinship parents had an impact on the health of the young pharaoh. Tutankhamen ascended to the throne at the age of nine, in 1333 B.C. Tutankhamen died at the age of nineteen, in 1323 BC, leaving no living descendant, as successor to the throne of Egypt. Tutankhamen was buried in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings along with valuables, near the tomb of Ramses VI.

Tutankhamen death at a very young age is a mystery. The discussions were dominated by three threads talking about the causes of death of the young Pharaoh, accident, murder or disease. The first people who carried out the study of the mummy of Tutankhamen were Howard Carter and professor of anatomy Douglas Derry. Unfortunately, their research methods were rather amateurish and during the test made serious damage to the mummy. But they saw near the left ear of the mummy of Tutankhamen on the cheek circular recess, which resembled a scab. This place is suggested that the cause of death of Tutankhamen could be bitten by an insect.

As a result of x-rays revealed no sternum and several ribs, which could be the cause of death as a result of a fall from a horse or chariot. The researchers also found that the cervical vertebrae of Pharaoh are incorrectly connected which meant that Tutankhamen to look back he had to turn his whole body. It was also discovered deformed metatarsal of the disease Tutankhamen had to use a cane to walk. However, only genetic research indicated that, the pharaoh was infected with a deadly type of malaria spread by insects. DNA tests ended speculation about the death of the young king.

Tomb of Tutankhamen was discovered in early November 1922 in the Valley of the Kings, where archaeologists dug to the top of the stairs leading to the tomb. Nov. 24, researchers reached the passageway leading to the door of the chamber tomb with intact seal from ancient times and saved the hieroglyphic name of Tutankhamen. To the tomb entered Howard Carter, Carnarvon, Lady Evelyn, and Callender. Sudden deaths of members of the expedition gave rise to a rumor of a curse thrown by Tutankhamen on persons who have violated the peace of eternal rest Pharaoh.

Six months later, Lord Carnarvon died. The reason of death was an infection caused by a mosquito bite. Lord Carnarvon died in Cairo. According to legend, the archaeologists in the course of their work they ignore the carved inscription on the door of the tomb, which contained curse risk of death for persons disturbing the eternal dream of the king. Soon after cobra eat canary belonging to the second head of the expedition, Howard Carter. Apparently, on the date of the death of Count Carnarvon died his dog.

The sudden death of Count Carnarvon would launch a series of mysterious deaths of people associated with the discovery of the tomb. In 1930, among people involved with grave discoveries remained alive only Howard Carter. The press constantly reported about the next victims of the curse, which was supposed to be a total of more than 20. Among the names mentioned were: present at the opening of the burial chamber A.C. Mace, a half brother of Count Carnarvon Aubrey Herbert, mummy X-ray screener Douglas Reid, Egyptologist Arthur Weigalla, as well as Lord Westbury and his son. Within a few years, they all died as a result of illness, accident or committed suicide.

The legend of the "curse of Pharaoh" was created in the 20s by the press and can be partly explained rationally. Count Carnarvon was already seriously ill before going to Egypt, and was mosquito bite proved fatal. Also A.C. Mace was sick for a long time and because of health problems resigned from participation in the excavations. The story of the engraved on the door of the tomb's curse is untrue. Most of the inscriptions contained the wishes of a good afterlife for the deceased. In the tomb of Tutankhamun any inscriptions with curses were not there. It is speculated that some of the deaths translated "curse" could cause present in the burial chamber some types of dormant bacteria or fungi, as well as possible radioactive chemicals.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Aswan High Dam

Aswan is located in southern Egypt worth a visit during stay in Luxor. The city is located on the east bank of the Nile at the first cataract and is therefore tourist destination and an important center of local tourism.

Near the city is the ancient red granite stone quarry, where found fragments of sculptures and the biggest unfinished obelisk. On the Nile near the town built High Aswan Dam. Below that is closer to the city, is located, built in the early twentieth century Aswan Low Dam, older and lower.

High Aswan Dam has a length of 3600 m, a width at the base of 980 m and 40 m at the top and the height of 111 m. For its built have been used 43 million cubic meters of material. The maximum capacity of dam is 11 000 m³ / s.

In 1946 the Aswan Low Dam proved to be insufficient. It was then decided to build larger dam, 6 km up the Nile. Plans to build the High Dam began in 1952, after taking over the government by Gamal Abdel Nasser. Financial support given to Egypt Soviet Union, proposing to cover about one-third of the construction costs. The USSR also offered help Soviet engineers and machine. The construction of dam started in 1960 and was completed July 21, 1970.

The construction of Lake Nasser threatened to flood many monuments of ancient Egypt. As a result of the protests of archaeologists, UNESCO launched in 1960 an operation to rescue these monuments. 24 or more objects have been moved to higher places as in the case of Abu Simbel or given to countries that participated in this operation.

Construction of dam has had many benefits. Hydroelectric power plant began operating in 1967, and its yield was then about half of the total production of electricity in Egypt. For the first time it made it possible to provide electricity to many Egyptian villages. The dam allows to adjust the water level of the Nile. Allowed to reduce the effects of floods and droughts. In addition, it enabled the development of fisheries within the Lake Nasser.

Lake Nasser is called a decade reservoir. Calculations indicate that in the absence of rainfall in the whole of Africa for 10 consecutive years, the amount of water in the tank is sufficient to water the entire population of Egypt for a decade. Lake Nasser is a reservoir self-cleaning. Current research indicates a zero-rate quality water, which means water directly drinkable.

The area west end of dam, there is a tower in the shape of a lotus flower. It was built as a monument to the Soviet-Egyptian friendship, to commemorate the help The USSR on the construction of the High Dam. On the Nile near Aswan, there are two large islands - Elephantine and Kitchener's Island. On Elephantine is located, Nubian village, and Kitchener's Island as a whole botanical garden.

For most of antiquity, Aswan was a very important city of ancient Egypt. In 331 BC he was in the country of Alexander the Great, and after its collapse, in the State of Ptolemies. Emperor Augustus joined Egypt and Aswan to the Roman Empire. In the year 640 the town became part of the Caliphate of Baghdad, and since 800 years in subordinate State Aglabidów. Sultan Selim I joined in 1517 Aswan and Egypt to the Ottoman Empire. It was not until 1805 Aswan found himself in the independent Egypt governed by Muhammad Ali. In 1882 there was the intervention of the British in Egypt. Since then, Aswan has become one of the most important towns occupied by the British. Since 1922, Egypt is independence, and Aswan is still one of the most important city.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Hatshepsut, woman who became Pharaoh

Hatshepsut was the oldest daughter of Tuthmosis I and Queen Ahmose, and half-sister of Tuthmosis II. Hatshepsut received the title of Divine Wives of Amun during the life of his mother, which was against the principle of of inheritance of the title after the death of its predecessor. After accession to the throne of Thutmose II, he took her to wife. Thutmose II reigned thirteen years, but the real power held his wife, dealing with the most important affairs of state. Because marriage Tuthmosis II and Hatshepsut were born two daughters Neferure and Meritre Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut created a Neferure at the prince of blood in promoting her image as a male child. All this indicates that, Hatshepsut's daughter was preparing to take power as the successor - as pharaoh. Unfortunately Neferure died at a young age, destroying any plans and hopes of the mother.

After the death of Tuthmosis II, power assumed minors Thutmose III, son of a secondary wife named Iset. Hatshepsut was his aunt, stepmother and mother in law (Thutmose III in childhood, married the daughter of Hatshepsut). Hatshepsut took the regency. In the second or third year of regency she crowned herself king, assuming the title of pharaoh and the full royal titulary. Minors Thutmose III from then was only her co-ruler.

Hatshepsut exercise of power based on a few trusted personalities. The first and most important of them was Senenmut. He advised the queen on political and economic. Senenmut came from the plebeian impoverished family. Career Senenmut during the reign of Hatshepsut is one of the most brilliant in the history of Egypt. It seems that it is unjust judgment, saying that he owed considerations queen only because of the intimate relationship that remained with her. Senenmut was an official managing the royal court, spokesman for the queen and the Manager of any construction work. He wore many titles, providing high positions which clearly held. Can be assumed that all the sculptures and reliefs, depicting Senenmut are his tribute and expression of total commitment and loyalty to Hatshepsut. The closeness these two people is not in doubt. There is also a presumption of romance between them.

An important role surrounded Hatshepsut served Hapuseneb, the high priest of Amon, coming from an excellent family. His grandfather was a vizier at the court of Tuthmosis I. He also was one of the supervisors and contractors temple at Deir el-Bahari. Other dignitaries was remarkable, Chancellor Nehesy.

There is documented evidence to conduct at least five military expeditions, organized at the time of Hatshepsut to Nubia, Palestine and Syria, aimed at maintaining the Egyptian domination and influence in these areas, which are a continuation of politics predecessors, especially her father Tuthmosis I.

Hatshepsut as a woman, she was forced to do a lot of effort to legitimize his rule. She used for this purpose the cult of Amon and support of priests of Karnak. Women in Ancient Egypt had a much higher status than anywhere else in the ancient world. Many of them played a significant role in the formation of the state and its rulers. For example Chentikaus queen, the wife of Pharaoh Neferirkare I, ruler of Dynasty V, Nitocris, Queen - perhaps the last ruler of the dynasty VI and Sobekneferu, ruler of the end of the twelfth dynasty, when for the first time in the title referred to as a female pharaoh.

The process of transformation into a male pharaoh Hatshepsut proceeded in stages. The Queen progressively accepted regalia shawl chat, ureus, ceremonial false beard. Many statue presents her half-male and female form. After a period of transformation into any statues of Hatshepsut show typical male form as fully male pharaoh with all the signs of power. The reason for doing so is still an enigma, but according to the latest theory  Hatshepsut desire to be king, not queen regent, or great wife. Certainly a great influence on her behavior had her father, Tuthmosis I, who believed it to be a true heir to the throne.

After the death of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III took power. After many years, the peaceful reign of Hatshepsut, he was faced with the need organization of military expeditions against anti-Egyptian coalitions. Soon after accession to the throne, he ordered to remove all images of his predecessor, and the years of his reign counted from the death of Tuthmosis II.

Hatshepsut became famous with the achievements of the building much numerous and more impressive than its predecessors, kings the New Kingdom. The work of these hired two prominent people. They were, dignitary of the court and architect Ineni and Senenmut. Under their supervision they performed great and wonderful buildings. The resulting real masterpieces - a great and probably most magnificent Temple of Millions of Years in Deir el-Bahari and buildings within the Temple of Karnak and the famous Red Chapel, built as a chapel of the Holy Barca.

Hatshepsut ordered to forge for themselves a tomb in the Valley of the Kings, which probably was buried. In addition to the sarcophagus in the tomb were found the sarcophagus of Tuthmosis I, her father.

Hatshepsut's temple was built at the foot of the giant rock wall in Deir el-Bahari. Temple, much of it carved in the rock, consists of three cascaded, interconnected ramps terraces, which were completed porticos. Ramps were decorated pedestals. The road to the lowest terrace, conducted between obelisks and statues of sphinxes. The second terrace was decorated with numerous reliefs depicting scenes from the life of the queen. On the upper terrace was a courtyard with the entrances to the Chambers of Rebirth Hatshepsut and her father. On the middle terrace was built on the left side chapel of Hathor, and Anubis on the right. Before the columns of the third terrace were statues of Osiris.