Tuesday 24 May 2016

Egyptian tips

Egypt is famous for its diversity. Everyone will find something for themselves. It is a country for sun  and heat lovers (temperature throughout the year does not fall below 20 degrees.) but also for lovers of water sports, photographers and explorers of history and culture. Egypt is a combination of beautiful nature with amazing ancient monuments. Sahara, raw and majestic mountains of Sinai and the shimmering colors of the coral reefs of the Red Sea. Ancient monuments located along the Nile from Alexandria to Aswan tempt explorers and lovers of history and ancient culture.


For every Egyptian service will consist of a tip - the so-called. baksheesh. It is highly inappropriate not to leave even a dollar - both the waiter and someone who will show us the way.

There are a etiquette associated with clothes. In places other than the beach is not suitable swimsuit. In the holy places in general should not wear shorts, women should also have covered shoulders and neck. Entering the mosque should take off your shoes. All this is to respect local customs and not be exposed to unpleasant teasing. If you travel deep into Egypt, then you better take seriously the recommendations.

It is worth remembering also of Ramadan - at the time the Egyptians do not eat from sunrise to sunset, so it is not advisable to eat a meal on the street.

Men and women do not kiss on the street and do not show each other their feelings otherwise than by holding hands. It is a matter of culture and religion, but not allowed to do this also because of the law.

Egypt is a Muslim country, eg. In Sinai may shock the absence of women. All work performing men often coming from all over Egypt, arrive at Sinai only for profit for a few months a year.

While the Arabs have to haggle for everything and every step, it Nubians not worth it, because they offer from the beginning of the prices very favorable. Nubians can meet mainly during a cruise on the Nile and in Aswan.

I encourage you to allow the Egyptian traders to present their goods. They are used, the customer can not buy anything, and the seller will not be offended. If you are already a dialogue with them, sometimes they invited for tea, or regale local food. The call on the street, to encourage the buying and haggling is part of their culture. They are open and friendly.


By far the most common dish in all of Egypt is Kosheri. It is a meatless dish based on pasta, rice, chickpeas and lentils, topped with warm tomato sauce. For this dish waiters serve a jug of water. Average portion, which may be sufficient for the lunch costs about 4-7 LE, depending on bar.

Popular are the sandwich bars, where for the LE 0.5-2 you can order a sandwich with any exposed on the counter contribution (meat, cooked and raw vegetables, chips, freshly roasted chips and shrimp).

Common are bars where juices are made from fresh fruit. Can usually be identified by hanging above the entrance meshes with oranges. Juices are made from oranges, strawberries, sugar cane, gauawy, banana, melon. Pint 0.5l costs 2 LE.

Eat at local fast food can be even 2 pounds and eat well - you order the foul and falafel. You can order breads as sandwiches or pack a takeaway pouches. Very tasty and very cheap, available on every corner.


Accommodation in Egypt are very cheap, from 3-10 USD. At this price, you can find a nice hotel with a swimming pool and meals. In many shops, there are no listed prices. The prices should ask seller, especially for foreign tourists, they often overstate and you have to haggle.

In the tourist destinations room rates and meal are naturally higher than in Cairo. Rich dinner in a good restaurant - UDS 5-7. Lunch at McDonald's, the cost of approx. 2-3 UDS. The most expensive are the sweets and chocolate.
The average budget for one day, without saving it 10-15 USD. It is worth mentioning that Egypt was one of the cheapest places in the world for tourists.
The most cost tourist attractions, for example. Entrance fee to the museum in Cairo is $ 20 (this is the price for foreign tourists, Egyptians pay cheaper)


The currency in Egypt is the Egyptian pound. 1 pound is about $ 0.11, and 0.1 Euro.
It is not worth exchange all cash to Egyptian currency, because it is difficult to replace it outside the country. 

Cash Machines and banks are on everywhere, so there are no problems with the exchange of money. However, the commission withdrawals from cash machines is quite high, so you better get together the cash, preferably US dollars or euros, and exchange to as necessary on the spot. Courses in different exchange offices vary slightly, so not worth it to look better.

In the Sharm and Hurghada can be a problem with the exchange Egyptian pounds back into dollars, so it is better exchange to a little bit. In the tourist resorts you can also easily pay with dollars, British pounds and euros, although you can overpay on the course.


Egyptian climate is tropical climate, extremely dry, and on the coast of the Mediterranean, subtropical. Summers are very hot, the winters are cooler, especially in the desert. Actually, it never rains. All year round there are more than 20 deg., In the summer above 35.

To explore the best time is winter. The temperature of the day is 25 degrees at night is chilly, especially in the desert. It should then take a warm sweater. It should also be noted that many tour buses are not equipped with heating. In the summer sometimes the air conditioning in coaches is so untwisted that it also should have something warm at hand.

To avoid the crowds and the heat, it's best to come between the end of February and May and from September to November.


Between the cities most convenient way to move public buses (ticket to be bought from the driver, the stop is just a larger group waiting).
Navigating the Cairo bus is a challenge, ride without timetables, stops are contractual, buses are often crowded, it's easy to get lost.
Bus route Hurghada-Cairo in the best class (First Class) will cost approx. 80 le and approx. 5 hours drive.

When in Luxor, you can buy a ticket for a bus to Dahab (route through Qenę, Hurghada, Suez, Sharm el-Sheikh). The ticket costs 130 LE, driving time 20-22h. Air-conditioned buses.

Tourists are allowed on cars only in the cities. Egyptians do not have to accept an international driving license. If anyone has one plank visa can apply for a local driving license. Hiring a car is of course possible, but definitely not recommend. Traffic in Egypt is definitely incomprehensible to Europeans, especially driving without lights at night. The advantage can be a good road condition.

Travel by ferry from Hurghada to Sharm El Sheikh takes approx. 2 hours. For Duby (Saudi Arabia) - 180 min.

The main line traction is a Cairo-Aswan.

In the cities you can ride ordinary taxi. The prices are very low. Best price determined before the start of the course or ensure that taxi driver turned on the taximeter.

What is importante

Matchstick Men. You can overpay for everything and a lot of money. Be sure to bargain, and the starting price given the very low, often 4 or 5 times lower than suggested by the vendor.

The danger is to drink tap water, which may cause diarrhea. Always boil water, and the best drink only bottled. Note on the ice in the drinks! Teeth also better to wash with water from a bottle.

In Cairo rather avoid side streets. In the places of recreation rather you are safe. A large number of armed police. After sunset, outside the tourist resorts, ladies should not move without the company of a man.

In the subtropical countries such as Egypt is different bacterial flora. We must therefore be careful what one eats, and especially - where. I would avoid fast food bars, and more to minimize raw vegetables and fruits. Enjoy a variety of preventive obtain a drug called Antinal.


There are two types of visas:
FREE so. "Sinai only" - for those who are only in the Sinai. The visa is issued on arrival. Useful for sunbathers and diving and water sports lovers.
PAID ($ 15) - after purchase, you can move around the country.

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