Sunday 22 May 2016

Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt

Cleopatra was the daughter of Ptolemy XII and mother of unknown name, probably coming from the lineage of the priests of Ptah of Memphis and being the royal wife of a lower rank. Ptolemy XII died in 51 B.C. Seventeen Cleopatra and her ten year old brother Ptolemy XIII came to power and in accordance with the tradition of the Egyptian entered into marriage.

Young Ptolemy XIII had fallen into political dependence on their own court dignitaries, Pothejnosa, royal teacher Theodetesa of Chios and the army commander Achillas, who sought to offset the power of the queen. Cleopatra in 49 B.C. had to leave the country and go to Palestine, where his own funds proceeded to organize the army. Faction of the king began preparing to repel a potential invasion, gathering strength in the port city of Pelusium.

Caesar in the conflict between the royal couple supported Cleopatra, who already during her stay in Alexandria was his mistress. He demanded that Ptolemy XIII dissolved the army and made peace with his wife-sister. Caesar interference caused discontent of Egyptian society. Against him, and the queen rebellion broke out, which was accepted by Ptolemy XIII and Arsinoe IV, a younger sister of the royal couple. To subvert uprising was brought Roman armies of Syria and Palestine. Ptolemy was killed as a result of the fighting in 47 years BC, and Cleopatra married her half-brother Ptolemy XIV.

At the end of April 47 B.C. Caesar left Egypt, leaving three legions in Alexandria. A few weeks after the departure of Caesar's queen gave birth to a son, and gave the names of Ptolemy Caesar, but it was called Caesarion, ie. Little Caesar. In the middle of 46 years BC Cleopatra with her husband went to Italy to renew an alliance with Rome. After the death of Caesar was forced to leave the capital of the empire.

After returning to Egypt, Ptolemy XIV in 44 B.C. was murdered on the orders of the wife. Cleopatra took governments on behalf of his son Caesarion, who ascended the throne as Ptolemy XV. After the death of Caesar in Rome was a civil war, which determined the future fate of the empire, Cleopatra supported cesarians on the East. At the Battle of Philippi in 42 BC won by supporters of the empire under the leadership of Mark Antony and Octavian Augustus. Cleopatra could expect that the winners will support the position of her son in Egypt. Antony called her to Tarsus, where the conversations on the organization of a new order in the East. During these meetings between the leader of the Roman and Egyptian queen began an affair.

In the winter of 41-40 B.C. Antony stayed with Cleopatra in Alexandria. But he had to leave the queen for several reasons. First, he organized an expedition against the Parthians, secondly, he was going to execute a plan to marry Octavia, sister of Octavian Augustus, for political reasons. Cleopatra, who remained in Egypt, gave birth twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene.

The alliance between resident in Antioch Antony and Octavian residing in Rome did not last long. 37 B.C. Antony sent his wife to Rome. To Antioch called Cleopatra. On the one hand, this decision affect his feelings for the Queen, on the other hand need the support of Egypt in the war with Rome. Cleopatra loved Antony. She was in the conflict Antony and Octavian political goal. She came to Antioch with children Antony.

On September 31 B.C. there was a battle of Actium between the forces of Octavian and Antony, supported by Cleopatra. Antony was defeated. Ten months later, Octavian marched to Egypt. Mark Antony committed suicide. Cleopatra acted to preserve the independence of the kingdom and the power to provide for their children. Negotiations with Octavian, however, did not produce successful results. He feared the political strengthening of Caesarion and focus around the opponents of Roman rule in Egypt. Dated August 12, 30 B.C. Cleopatra committed suicide when it turned out that none of her attempts did not bring the expected results.

source: Wikipedia

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